Meanwhile, basils seem to have dominated this plot.
And unfortunately, the tomatoes don't look too hot anymore.
The peppers are having a second big wave of growth and fruit though! The jalapenos are actually hot this time. I put two into some cornbread just now and was eating a bunch as I was chopping it up, leaving me with tingly lips. Yum! Even the habanero is finally producing!
The herbs are sprawling too and spilling over the edge of the wood like I'd hoped they would.
The corn is all dried up, but the greenbeans are making up for it.
And here is the asparagus looking super lush. The cypress vine should be blooming pretty soon. I spent like half an hour detangling it from the asparagus and winding it back up the trellis right before taking this picture.
Here you can see how out of hand the tomatillo has gotten. Then there is the mystery grain, and last, the lemongrass is finally forming a big clump like lemongrass should.
Future butterflies on rue! I wish the first two pictures hadn't come out so unfocused though.
A couple of pictures of the same plot from the back. The watermelon is succumbing to disease, and you can see tomatillo flowers. It's halfway up the trellis.
The swiss chard is almost as big as it was before I harvested it!
And lastly, two more pictures of the mint plot, with closeup of the two mints.