I also happened to find a couple of swallowtail butterfly caterpillars on my dill! I'm really hoping I'll get some monarchs on my rue too, but I haven't seen any yet.
First off, there were several successful harvests this time!
I got a yellow squash! The one from the previous update didn't develop properly, but this one did. It had a nice flavor (not so watery tasting) and more flesh vs seeds than the ones I'm used to. It seemed to take longer to cook too, but that might be my imagination. It was delicous roasted with only olive oil, salt, and pepper.
It's hard to tell what this is, but it's jalapeno cornbread! It's not shown, but I had to make a divider with foil and make half of it withough jalapeno since my GF won't eat them.
And the pièce de résistance! I finally found a way to use some mint! (Although the chocolate mint plant is so massive you can't even tell I took any...) Rahenna found the recipe on the blog Not so Humble Pie for a Fresh Mint Truffle Tart and was going to cry if we didn't make it.
And now on to the plants...
The chocolate mint is especially massive and really does taste a little like an Andes Mint. The next picture is another view where you can see the strawberries, of which there is a closeup.
The pepper/tomato plot. The zucchini in the corner seems happy and has been flowering for a while, but no zucchinis yet. Bell pepper and roma tomatoes are next.
I found a ladybug on the greenbeans, and some beans.
Other than the greenbeans, everything else in this plot looks great and the corn is flowering.
Asparagus. I don't know why I always take a picture of it, it never changes really.
Two views of the cilantro/parsley plot (dill is the right foreground of the first pic, yum!). The tomatillo plants are big now, with plenty of young tomatillos. Canteloupe and coriander are the last two pictures. Neither the canteloupe or watermelon are growing very much and it's starting to worry me.
The cool season plot. Strangely enough, the kale and swiss chard are finally taking off! The next picture shows an onion that has a nice large bulb. They should be ready to harvest soon. The last picture shows the squares with potatoes (foreground) and carrots.
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