First, I made about three cups of pesto when I decided my basil was looking too ratty and I wanted a new. Most of it will be frozen, but we ate it with pasta and grilled chicken and could hardly stop eating, it was so good! It was seven cups of basil which made at least two cups of pesto, though it may have been more like three. I didn't measure it. Also, I used walnuts instead of pinenuts.
In garden news, it's time for fall planting!
I started some seeds indoors and finally planted them this weekend! There's new sweetcorn, squash, zucchini, and another cantaloupe. Unfortunately, I didn't mark which one was squash and which one was zucchini, so I won't know until they have female flowers.

Also, here is the young basil replacing the one that became pesto. And also a red basil I liked because it was pretty.

Also, the watermelon and canteloupe are getting lots of new growth. I thought the watermelon was done for, although I don't think it will produce any more this season.

I've got two new loofah gourds for a total of four on the same plant. I hope they all manage to ripen.

And lastly, the asparagus, so it doesn't feel left out.