Monday, April 19, 2010

Starting to see fruits...

First, I harvested 2.7oz more of salad, which we ate Caesar style with some really delicious garlic chicken confit. The herbs were all straight from the garden, too!

Back in the garden, a few of the plants are getting ready to produce!

I can see the female flowers of squash and zucchini filling out and nearly ready to bloom.

The roma tomato has its first little tomato-to-be.

And the mariachi pepper and jalapeno have baby peppers. So do the bell peppers, but I didn't take a picture. Oops.

The thyme is in full bloom now and quite tasty!

I planted some flowers in the plots with no climbing plants. One is cypress vine (with the asparagus) and the other is sweetpeas (next to the radishes).

My basils are coming in nicely, and the onion flowers are filling out with the bumps of flower buds.

Yay, random pictures!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Another harvest!

This weekend we ate what is probably the last of the broccoli and I harvested nearly 3 oz of mixed greens (2.7oz to be exact). It was enough for two salads with extra left over and there is plenty more where it came from. I don't have a picture of the salads, but I did take one of the broccoli.

Some things like the cucumber, melons, loofah, and okra seem to be growing very slowly. Is that normal? Other things like the tomatoes and peppers are getting big and already trying to flower.

Other plants already in flower mode are the asparagus, cilantro, and onions, which are just sending up buds.

Lots of basils, although I can't remember the types right now. I know at least one is Thai.

This weekend's general plot pictures-

Lastly, here are two shots of the whole garden-

Monday, April 5, 2010

First week of April

We harvested some more broccoli! There was more thist time and I think the two harvests combined are about a small to medium head's worth. Hopefully, the rest of secondary heads will get bigger before the heat gets to them. This time I got a picture of the steamed broccoli with its beautiful dark green color.

The thyme is starting to bloom. Before I put down the mulch, it was starting to spread like crazy. It doesn't look like it can spread too easily anymore with the mulch.

For some reason, the strawberry roots I got didn't ever grow, so I bought a bunch of Seascape plants and replaced them. They're everbearing and should start producing around June.

And my purslane is coming along nicely!

And now some general progress pictures. The green beans are starting to climb the trellis!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Homegrown salad!

First of all, Rahenna just told me my comments were broken. So now they're fixed!

Apparently she is now a lolcat in my garden eating my radishes. Teehee!

Anyway, we had homemade pizza on Thursday because we had to make and eat something quick before a conference call she had to be on. Luckily, I had made bread dough the day before and we had mozzerella and spaghetti sauce so while waiting for the oven to heat up, I offered to get some greens for a side salad.

There were just enough mature lettuces for me to cut off enough for two small salads. Yum!

And here was our delicious pizza. We really need a pizza stone...